Admiraal de Ruyter Hospital (Goes)

Main entrance address:

's-Gravenpolderseweg 114, 4462 RA Goes

Total places 636
Places for disabled 22
Electric charging points 12

Practical information

The car park of the Admiraal de Ruyter Hospital is intended for patients, visitors and hospital staff. At the main entrance you will find the disabled parking spaces. Charging your car is not a problem, because there are 4 charging stations at the car park. On the left from the main entrance the paying terminals can be found!

Time Price
First 30 minutes   Free
31-60 minutes   € 1,00
Every next hour € 1,00
Day ticket   € 5,00
Weekticket  € 10,00
Maximum € 5,00

Opening hours
Entry hours  
All days 00:00 - 24:00
Exit hours  
All days 00:00 - 24:00

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