Interparking has acquired Parking + Protection B.V. (P+P), part of the listed technology company TKH Group NV (TKH). The activities of P+P are focused on the construction, management and operation of parking facilities, particularly in hospitals and urban office locations. Within this acquisition there will be added 40 additional locations in the portfolio whereby Interparking becomes the new market leader in the healthcare segment in the Netherlands. Beside this, Interparking strengthened its services in various Dutch regions through the addition of the new parking facilities.
Expansion in the healthcare sector
The acquisition of P+P fits within the current growth strategy of Interparking. After the growth in the market segments urban and shopping centers, among by the purchase of IJDdock, Tournooiveld and the opening of the EPA 2015 award-winning ‘best new car park of Europe' Markthal car park, the packet is now expanded by car parks mainly in the healthcare sector. Including the 17 parking facilities in the healthcare locations, Interparking operates now 122 car parks with a total of more than 45,000 parking spaces in the Netherlands.
About Interparking
The Interparking Group, also part of AG Insurance, AG Real Estate and Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB), operates in 9 European countries with more than 750 customer-friendly car parks and over 350.000 parking spaces. Interparking belongs to the top 3 of European car park operators. In the Netherlands Interparking operates 122 parking facilities with a total of more than 45.000 parking spaces.
Interparking strives towards high standard car parks. The 161 European Standard Parking Awards (ESPA) in total and 2 EPA 2015 awards in the categories best new (Markthal, Rotterdam) and renovated (Stachus, München) car park are a reflection of the quality of our products and services. Partly by continuously investing in environmentally friendly parking solutions, the Interparking Group is a 100% CO2-neutral certified organization. More information about Interparking:
About TKH Group NV
Technology firm TKH Group NV (TKH) is an internationally operating group of companies that specializes in developing and delivering innovative Telecom, Building and Industrial Solutions. In doing so, TKH contributes to a safe environment and efficient, reliable processes for its customers. The TKH core technologies -vision & security, communication, connectivity and manufacturing systems- are linked into total systems and solutions in our three Solutions segments. In this, we strive for far-reaching synergy and co-operation between our subsidiaries. TKH´s growth is concentrated in Europe, North America and Asia. Employing 5,387 people, TKH achieved a turnover of € 1.4 billion in 2015. The shares of TKH are listed at the Euronext Amsterdam (TWEKA). More information:

(The Jeroen Bosch Hospital car park in Den Bosch)